
Photos by Greg


2024 was a banner year for me. Thank you to all of my clients and collaborators. I sincerely feel like this year was a turning point for me. I have had some of the best experiences and worked with some of the best people. I’m hoping we can carry this momentum into 2025.

Alyssa C

I got to see Alyssa compete in the Miss Utah USA pageant. Little did I know that she and I would later get to collaborate on this shoot. It’s nice to work with someone so seasoned as a model. I literally got hundreds of great photos.

Arach O

Arach is an absolute favorite collaborator—she’s so FUN to work with. And the photos speak for themselves. Also, muscles!

Kayt M

Kayt and I got to experiment with long shutters and multiple exposures. This shot was a single exposure with three Flash pops. It’s absolutely gorgeous and Kayt is absolutely brilliant.

Brindy A

As I write this we’re just days away from Brindy and her college dance team winning the national championships in hip hop category. I’m not even surprised they won. Brindy and her team are fantastic as individual dancers, and unbelievable as a team.

Kailee W

I’ve also been working on getting rich color profiles and natural expressions. This photo of Kailee makes me happy, not just because of the rich colors, but because of the memory of having a blast shooting with her.

Bhan D

I really liked this photo of Bhan. We had some more traditional portraits too, but I’ve been trying to get more natural looks. This one is IT.

Ella F

Ella came with Brookie and between the two of them we got some brilliant stuff. I really liked this portrait—not just because of the sleeves-only jacket.

Brookie G

You’ve probably noticed Brookie on my page often. There’s one reason: because she’s fabulous in every way. Boxing, dance, modeling—she’s got it all going on! I love working with Brookie!

Ivie B

Ivie and Hallie (see below) came to help me experiment with some new long-exposure lighting. I think we got the shots.

Hallie V

Ivie and Hallie (see above) came to help me experiment with some new long-exposure lighting. I think we got the shots.


Halle is an unbelievable talent. I’m happy with the lighting on this shoot. What a dancer!

Paris, AKA Miss Utah

When a new Miss Utah takes the crown and you book that first shoot with her, it’s always amazing. They’re all different, but they’re all spectacular.

Ballet Grads

Doing grad shoots for college dancers is always rewarding. I love helping these people earn their spot on professional dance companies.

Nataly and Chelsey

Friends who go up to pristine mountain lakes and do gorgeous photoshoots together stay together. So they say. Nataly and Chelsey were THE best ever. I love autumn shoots.

Amanda and Marisa

I absolutely loved this quick shoot with Amanda and Marisa! We were supposed to meet in the late afternoon and go up the canyon, but traffic delayed our departure and put us too close to sunset. So we decided to go to a park down the road. No one at the park was prepared for the brilliance these two brought.

Utah Tech, Blaze Dance Team

Multiple years in a row now, I’ve had the unbelievable privilege of shooting the team shots for the Utah Tech University Blaze Dance Team. I’ve come to really admire these women&emdash;head over to my dance page to see the whole team.


I love it when a young dancer steps in front of the lens and begins to see her own potential in a way she’s never seen before. The best shoots are the ones where we see growth in these young artists.


I saw Ari compete in a pageant a few years ago, and we ended up connecting for this shoot. Big props! (See what I did there?)


Claire’s a long-time favorite. And now she’s your favorite too!

Paris and Kira

Paris and Kira are Miss Utah and Miss Utah’s Teen, respectively. Two Miss Utahs in the same place at the same time might as well be photographer Christmas. And the setting! Autumn in Utah is gorgeous.


When the mom calls you from out of state, take the shoot! Odds are she’s named Kennedy, and she’s pretty good.


My goodness this Naomi girl crushed this shoot. I was in a studio waiting for a client who cancelled. So I asked the first dancer who showed up if she wanted a couple of shots. And oh my what a dancer. Brilliant shoot.


Marisa introduced me to Miranda, and Miranda introduced me to perfect poses and brilliant attitude. If you ever do a shoot with me, bring looks like this.

Marisa C

Catsuits! That is all.

Rylee R

You might have noticed how I shoot with Rylee every year. The reason: this. Plus she’s gracious, creative, and intelligent. You can’t ask for a better collaborator!

Shift Dance Company

I think this is my fourth, or maybe fifth, shoot with Shift. This is definitely the best I’ve ever done for them. They returned the favor by giving me their most electric poses.

Marisa C

Marisa recently gave up her national crown. I can’t think of a better reason to do a glam photoshoot than the culmination of a year of queendom.

Mark B

Sometimes your wife convinces you to do a grad portrait shoot with your son. She didn’t have to convince very hard.

Odyssey Dance Theater

When ODT calls you and tells you they’re going to start up again and asks you to do their shots, you say yes. Check my Dance page to see the whole gallery.

Mya T

This is the first time that I got to shoot with Mya in a creative shoot. She should shoot creative shoots more often because…

Zoe R

Zoe put together one of my favorite shoots, bringing multiple brilliant dancers together and then showing up all day with poses like this. Can we do it again?

Brooklyn W

Brooklyn is one of the finest young dancers I know. Example: this pose, which is just about perfect as a celebration of dance photography.

Brookie G

Brookie is one of the finest dancers I know. Equal parts strength and beauty–this shoot was destined to be one of the best. And I can’t believe how many great, distinct shots we got. There’s a reason Brookie has been in front of my lens a few times.

Brynn B

This was the first time I shot with Brynn. There’s a reason she’s a national champion dancer with the BYU Cougarettes–she’s got all the moves.

Brooklyn W

Brooklyn has all the poses–strength, flexibility, athleticism, creativity. Easiest shoot ever.

Malia T

Malia nailed all her shots and we got great stuff! I can’t wait to see what this one can do as she gets older.

Mya T

I’ve had the pleasure of shooting with Mya at product shoots, but this is the first time she came for a creative shoot. I’m not sorry about it–Mya is unbelievable. I particularly like these photos with jeans.

Remy F

Remy is a tiny powerhouse. The spunky intensity is what gets me.

Zoe R

Zoe is one of the finest young dancers I know. She’e equal parts, power, artistry, and style. I really like the way Zoe puts her poses together–all I have to do is add light!

Rory F

Rory is a dancer beyond her years. She really came with a vision and we got a great shoot with a crisp, cohesive style–all with a pop of color. This is one to watch.

Maddie D

Maddie is one of those people who make the shoot as fun as it is creative. Not only did she come with an entire wardrobe full of creative and colorful clothes—look at those shoes!—she combined them in the best ways. If only every shoot could go this well with everyone, then it wouldn’t feel like work at all.

Torrance P

I told Torrance that I wanted to do a collaboration one day. One day happened, and she was a dream collaborator. Dance shots are even better when the dancer is unbelieveable in every way. The shots speak for themselves; Torrance nailed every pose.

Brookelyn J

Brookelyn is absolutely charming, combining effortless poses and everyday style. This summer shoot in full color stands out as a favorite.

Penelope S

Jane and Penelope came together. Sisters, powerhouse, colorful. These two were a blast to shoot.

Jane S

Jane and Penelope came together. Sisters, powerhouse, colorful. These two were a blast to shoot.

Sofia S

I had heard of Sofia, but I had never met her. She’s an incredible dancer and ballerina. She also had unbelievable portraits. Head to my “Portraits” page to see those.

Zoe R

You might not know it from the pictures, but Zoe came in to help with one of my younger clients–Brooklyn W from back in the day. It was good to have Zoe in front of the camera this time instead of off screen. And what a set of poses! brilliant.

Marisa C

Marisa has had an unbelievable year. She’s walked at NYFW, won a national pageant, and has become a world class model. Every pose is perfect, and the pictures show it. For this session, her hair was done by Allie Berry, makeup by Chelsea Aneal, and styling by Natalie Clark. You can find each of these people by checking the people I’m following on Instagram.

Hailey B

When I posted Hailey on my Instagram, her fanbase–and I didn’t even know she had a fanbase–descended on my gallery and spiked all of my numbers temporarily. Hailey herself is unbelievable, and fun, and down to earth, etc. Her fanbase is crazy–the good kind.

Madee K

It turns out that Madee goes to school with my boys. She seems way more mature than them.

Emersyn D

This photo really sums up this shoot. The pose is a standout, the look on her face is brilliant, and I got the light exactly how I wanted it. This has to go up there among my best.

Jaylynn L

I had a hard time deciding whether I should post a dance photo or a portrait for Jaylynn. Both were equally amazing. Ultimately I decided on the portrait, since I have so many other dance photos on this welcome page. Head to the Dance page to catch more of her dance photos. Unbelievable.

Kenady V

Both times I’ve shot with Kenady now, she has been among my top shoots ever. She has a superb line for ballet, and she’s a lot of fun also! makes for a great time shooting.

Annie O

I had never met Annie before this day, but I’ll shoot with her anytime. Unbelievable dancer, unbelievable talent. And this soft light is perfect to make her stand out.

Maddy W

Maddy was my first dance shoot back when she was just 14, and she’s turned into an amazing woman. Maddy just got married, and you can tell she’s glowing.

Kamri P

Kamri comes with a huge base of loyal fans and a whole lot of attitude–the good kind of attitude. In these photos you can see the intensity she brings. It makes the shoot easy for sure.

Tiara K

When Tiara calls, you better be ready to shoot. Here’s the proof.

Alayne W

Alayne is always a great shoot. Though I can never decide whether we should go with dance or fashion. It’s equally tempting to do either one, but this time it was dance/fitness.

Aria C

Audrey Hepburn is a huge inspiration for me. Aria asked if we could do a Hepburn inspired shoot and obviously I said yes. And she did not disappoint. This outfit is just one of the amazing looks she put together.

Alyssa F

Alyssa is a long time collaborator. She visits Utah about once a year and we always find a way to mix in some iconic Utah locations and get some ridiculously flawless photos. The Utah State Capitol building is our latest.

Stella C

Stella is a powerhouse–we’ll be watching her closely as she gets older to see where she goes. I don’t think it’s too far of a stretch to say she’s going to be a star one day. No pressure.

Julia D

I was shooting with Julia and a large group of dancers and she was doing things that made ALL of them exclaim in awe: “wow!”, “holy…!”, “my gosh!” and stuff like that. 18 months later and I got to shoot with Julia again thanks to her mom winning my black friday giveaway of a free shoot. Now that the shoot has happened, I’m super pleased with the result! Check the “Dance” page to see the whole gallery.

Sofia Marie L

Sofia Marie is a new favorite collaborator. Holy cow, what a dancer! and these photos ended up great!

Natalie T

This shoot took a long time to put together. Timing was not on our side. But it was well worth the wait. I mean…wow!

Kaylee W

This shoot was next level. Kaylee sure knows how to pick a gown.

U of U Sr. Dancers

The U of U seniors are about to graduate and move into the professional realm. Luckily I’ve gotten to shoot with them for the last two years. I don’t get to shoot with male dancers often, so I’ve chosen Ben from this group to represent the shoot. I don’t think you’ll mind.

Miss Utah’s Teen Jaylynn L

This is my favorite dance photo to date. There’s a little fashion, a little color, and a lot of Jaylynn. It’s one of my best.

Utah Tech University Blaze Dance Team.

Like the last couple of posts, it’s hard to choose just one. Mia is a great choice, but with 20 top dancers, it could have easily been any of the others.

Ayzjiahna W

How do you choose just one photo to post? You just have to close your eyes and choose. Ayzjiahna had dozens of great photos–too many to process.

Shift Dance Company

Go to my Dance page and look for the gallery from Shift Dance Co. These dozen dancers blew me away in our shoot. Choosing which one to post is hard. I choose Mackenzie, simply for the difficulty of this movement. She earned this photo with each bruise.

Marisa C

I mentioned that Marisa won the national pageant, so she gets a crown of seashells. Here she is is unbelievable light.

Ivy B

She’s adorable, and she’s a great dancer. Here’s Ivy upside down.

Adri B

Hands down, Adri is one of the best dancers I have worked with. Not that she’s a better dancer–I get to work with a lot of great ones–it’s that she’s absolutely perfect in planning and executing poses for photos. Like this one.

Miss Utah Sarah S

This year’s edition of Miss Utah is an absolute peach of a person. I usually only post one photo on this welcome page, but Sarah isn’t a one-photo kind of girl. Here’s three in red, white, and blue:

Taylah T

Macrame minidresses and a chance to shoot with Taylah? Count me in.

Nyaweka B

This shoot was short. It was also fantastic. I definitely hope to shoot with her again soon!


Clara’s a little powerhouse. She could have easily chosen gymnastics or any other sport. She chose dance. No one’s complaining.


Rylee has become a regular contributor here. It’s easy to see why.

Alex D

We didn’t mean to shoot outdoors, it kind-of just happened. Backlighting for the win!


Spending time upside down always gives me headaches. Kynslee made it look easy.


This pose speaks for itself. Maycie is unbelievable

Paisley P

Paisley flew in all the way from New York to shoot with me. And she absolutely crushed it.

Ashlyn T

Unbelievably, Ashlyn is still in high school. Her poses and control are next level.

Sicily R

This shoot came together well. I found some transparent plastic with lines painted on it. Naturally it makes sense to shine some light through it at one of my amazing dancers. This time, Sicily crushed it. You can see more from this iconic shoot on the Mar 18, 2023 entry in the Dance page.

Chelsey C

Chelsey has always been a great shoot. Great fashion, great posing. Now she’s on a mission for her church and I’ll have to work with other collaborators for a while.

Marisa C

Marisa came into 2023 like a hurricane. It started with a call, “Hey Greg, I’m going to be competing in the Miss Bikini USA competition as Miss Bikini Utah. Would you like to be my photographer for crowns and gowns?” Obviously I said yes. And then she won. Like literally she is serving as Miss Bikini USA Model 2023. Always a blast to be around, she just keeps growing as a model. I’m lucky I get to see her early in her career because pretty soon she will be worldwide. Yes I said it.

Kaylin S

This shoot was about a year in the making. The plan was to use household objects as items of clothing. It morphed into this–using a shallow bowl (about 18 inches) to have Kaylin sit in. This is the result. You need to see the rest of the gallery, check my Dance page.

Jocelyn O

Been working on my portrait game and I think I’m satisfied with this series with Jocelyn. Can’t beat a person who knows her worth!