3. What am I doing?

So I decide I want to write a blog and I set it all up, but now I have to update it from time to time?

I was not aware that being painfully lazy would make it extremely difficult to maintain a blog. Nevertheless, I forge on.

Lately I have been noticing how many people are becoming ugly. Not that their natural beauty is different, but that they all are deciding to work less on their dress and appearance. I saw a young lady today who otherwise would have been attractive, but had decided to adopt a 80’s-rocker-girl-is-my-hero look. She was very made up, but didn’t look very good at all.

Similarly young men with their long hair and hook noses are trying to look like the Beatles. Let me repeat–they are TRYING TO LOOK LIKE THE BEATLES. Oh well, I guess I’m officially old.

I remember openly criticizing the faded denim jeans that were so popular 5 years ago. Now I can’t find any pants when I go shopping that don’t look like someone has worn them while riding bareback on a cement mixer.

I am what fashion gurus would call a latecomer when it comes to caving to fashion trends, but at least I know enough to not tuck my plaid, yellowed shirts in to my faded denim jeans.

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